Clean Text Function

I needed a way to remove non-printing and irregular ascii character. This is helpfull when controlling user name formatting or comparing two strings. The output will be the cleaned up string based on the options.

Usage: $result=text_clean(<text to be reviewed>,<optional variable>);

	this function will strip all non-printing and 
	irregular ascii symbols and repetitive spaces.  
	Option 0: (default) leaves spaces; 
	Option 1: replaces spaces with underscores; 
	Option 2: removes all spaces.
	Option 3: removes all spaces, underscores, converts to lowercase

function text_clean($submitted,$option=0){

	//reduces multiple spaces to single
	$excess_spaces=preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ',$submitted);
	//removes all non_printing/extended ascii characters
	$non_ascii=preg_replace('/[^\da-z ]/i', '', $excess_spaces);

	//Truncates the leading and ending spaces
	if ($option==1){
		$final=preg_replace('/\s/', '_',$trim_spaces);
	if ($option==2){
		$final=preg_replace('/\s/', '',$trim_spaces);
	if ($option==3){
		$final=preg_replace('/\s/', '',$final);
	return	$final;
